Holiday Eating

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, laughing all the way. All those smells and holiday treats, wonder what I weigh? The average American gains between five to eight pounds from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. This does not mean that when the holidays come around that you cannot partake in socializing and some special treats. […]

Assess Your Stress

It takes 21 days for a rat to become chronically stressed. How long does it take you? What if you have been operating in a state of chronic stress? Would you even notice after a while? According to, a resource for mental and emotional health, to assess yourself, you need to look at four […]

This May Offend You, But It’s True

This may be offensive to some of you. There is a certain mindset that I come across regularly. People fit into one of two categories. They are either supportive or supported. People who have success with their health goals are those who put themselves first and others number two. This may sound selfish, but by […]

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