Weather or Not to Feel Down

Do you have the Winter Blues? 16% of people in the United States do according to Psychology Today. Other experts argue that the public overestimates the seasonal doldrums because people dislike winter weather. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a depressive condition occurring seasonally, but annually, that affects women and young people the most. According to, […]

Holiday Eating

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, laughing all the way. All those smells and holiday treats, wonder what I weigh? The average American gains between five to eight pounds from Thanksgiving through the end of the year. This does not mean that when the holidays come around that you cannot partake in socializing and some special treats. […]

Assess Your Stress

It takes 21 days for a rat to become chronically stressed. How long does it take you? What if you have been operating in a state of chronic stress? Would you even notice after a while? According to, a resource for mental and emotional health, to assess yourself, you need to look at four […]

Are You in a Time Famine?

We may think that a new car or more money in our savings account is what lights up our world, but is that true? A study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America explains that a “time famine” may be wreaking havoc on our happiness quotient. As […]

Stress Out or Go Within?

When life gets chaotic or like a turbulent roller coaster ride of change, what is your first reaction? Do you look for ways to stabilize your life, have racing thoughts, or do you breathe and turn inward to focus? Stress itself is not dangerous, but our belief about what it can do to us, can […]

Sorting Out Supplements

In 2012, half of all Americans took at least one supplement according to Harvard Health Publications – 114 million individuals back then. It is likely a lot more today. Herbs, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes are all “supplements” according to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). And they come in many forms – drops, tablets, […]

To Chill or Become Ill?

According to the HeartMD Institute, “Stress is a weapon of mass destruction. You have to prevent it from destroying you.”  With 18% of adults in America experiencing excessive worry, the potential for destruction is real. If you want to live a long healthy life, managing stress is a must. But worrying about worrying can cause […]

Why Do I Ache?

Did you know that medical science did not really start investigating minor injuries until 1980 and what causes aches can still be a mystery? You don’t necessarily ache because you are growing older. In fact, many people mistakenly believe that age means infirmary or multiple painful conditions. Many activities and conditions can cause aches. But […]

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