Snack Attack

If a food is bite-size, you will eat more of it, according to Psychology Today. Eating bits of something is a tease for our bodies and brain. It stimulates the dopamine system, but does not satisfy it completely. So, the thought that you will have just a few is a “come on.” We are wired […]

Back to Basics

How many times have you heard that you need a “strong foundation” to build a house or a relationship or your best posture? You likely hear it ad nauseum because it is true in many cases. It also applies to the anti-inflammatory lifestyle. The cornerstone of combating inflammation is nutrition and the anti-inflammatory food pyramid […]

Let’s Reinvent Breakfast!

“Morgenmete,” or the morning meal that most individuals call “breakfast,” originated in the 15th century.  In the Middle Ages, Europeans didn’t eat it. Each culture and country has its own version of the first meal of the day. Early settlers in America ate “ashcakes” – cornmeal wrapped in cabbage leaves and heated in the fire. […]

Help, I Am Addicted to Kale!

Lets talk seriously about food addictions for a minute. Do they exist? The latest research presented at the Seattle Summit on Obesity and Food Addiction says they do. There is even a scale to measure it called the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Certain foods – not kale – are more addictive than others. According to […]

We Live in a Toxic World

If you are following an anti-inflammatory lifestyle and being active, but you are still in pain or below full-throttle energy, what might be going on? Healing happens for individuals in unique time-frames, but there are other factors besides diet and exercise that might slow you down. The first step is to look at each area […]

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